Lastbench addresses the legacy of modernism, exploring the utopian discourses of the twentieth century and the way in which this operates in the context of a changing landscape of creative words and ideologically opposes the concept of literary organisation based on profit making mechanism.
Lastbench is a virtual hub, a neutral mediator between writers/artists and readers/audiences by organising regular publications and events
We have a regular literary magazine, which gets published quarterly, featuring translated text from promising writers and poets without any borders, and most importantly which is for free distribution. 'Lastbench' magazine in available in both printed (ISSN: 2045-3299) and online (ISSN:2047-0231) versions. We have 10000 regular subscriber including individuals, universities, poetry society and various organizations around the world.
Ever since its establishment, Lastbench/Antivirus has based all its endeavours on one main ambition; to spread knowledge among the masses and thus contribute avidly to the betterment of the culture, with the constant perspective about the freedom of speech and information, and access to education for all...
Lastbench is proud to be involved with University of Edinburgh's recent showcasing of 'digital artefacts' as a part of it's online course on E-learning and Digital Cultures

Lastbench always is in the frontier, and will not be intimidated in reserving the view about the socio-economic impact that is found in text, as in being in war of discourses...